Our Academics
A quality Christian school offers a curriculum that is consistent with the school’s mission and a Biblical worldview, using instructional strategies that are aligned with the goals and objectives, as taught at each grade and subject level, for student learning.


Students in our classrooms vary greatly in their literacy needs and ability levels. As a result, it is necessary to provide multiple opportunities for students to read, write, participate in meaningful experiences, and collaborate with others so that they can develop their ability to read and comprehend text(s).

Students have the opportunity to learn about the size, structure, and relationship of objects and of quantitative symbols through the many hands-on activities with their peer groups.

Students have the opportunity to learn about the size, structure, and relationship of objects and of quantitative symbols through the many hands-on activities with their peer groups.
At all grade levels, writing skills are emphasized and integrated in all core subject areas as well as their electives. Students are encouraged to produce effective compositions for any given specific purposes. Within those writings, students are taught to demonstrate a command of the conventions of spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, usage and sentence structure.

Physical Education
Structured physical education programs and recess helps the students to mature physically.